A strong, epic and very powerful voice, warm and recognisable. Able to colour every song with details that make her interpretations special and distinctive by her unique voice.
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An exciting musical landscape encompassing
ancient and modern culture and modern blended
into an introspective and challenging
journey of inner strength and awareness.
Perhaps, in some way, we are all under ‘Siege’.

Laura is the lead female vocal on the new album
SIEGE” of Imaginaerium.

Projects & Live Bands

No Limits

No Limits – Live Band

the mortal light

Clive Nolan – Musical

The Rise of Medici


O.A.K. (Orbiting – Alkemy – Kreativity)

The Album Out Now


The album by Clive Nolan
with the powerful rock vocals of Laura Piazzai!

Featuring songs by Clive reinterpreted by Laura!

Album + Shipping


Associazione Veruno Musica
Prog Rockpolis
Prog Rockpolis
Prog Rockpolis
Prog Rockpolis
Radio Playback Rock
Prog Watch
Kiss that Prog
Prog Rock Machine
Deep Nuggets
Greater Manchester RR
Ems Vechte Welle
Aiir Radio
Prog Rock Polis
Reclaimed Radio
Prog Univers
Rock on Bavaria
Prog Spectrum